Endpoint Insights

The Default Value Expression for the Report Parameter ‘UserTokenSIDs’

Topics: Endpoint Insights

By Garth Jones

While I was in the middle of creating and testing a new remote named instance of SSRS, I ran into a problem. Once I set up SSRS and created a ConfigMgr 2012 reporting point, I wanted to confirm that everything was working correctly prior to performing my tests. I ran one of the default reports from ConfigMgr 2012, but to my dismay, I received this error:

The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter ‘UserTokenSIDs’ contains an error: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)

I scratched my head over this error message because I have set up literally 50+ SSRS (reporting points) for ConfigMgr 2012 and I don’t remember seeing this error before.

After some research, I determined that the SSRS execution account didn’t have access to the SSRS database. I changed the account to an administrator account and everything worked fine.

Hopefully, this blog post will save you some trouble if you ever run into the same problem. By the way, I was doing this testing because I am working on a cool project, but more about that at a later date!


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